DAY 19 • 30 AUGUST 2017 • OBERLIN
We grabbed coffee and a ham and cheese croissant this morning at the Slow Train coffee house. We listened to straight-ahead jazz while we waited for the ham and cheese to melt. At 0830 we were underway toward Fremont following two days in Oberlin. A good visit.
We rode 56 miles today, almost all of it on the North Coastal Inland Trail that starts several miles east of Oberlin and goes almost all of the 70 miles or so to Toledo. Parts paved, parts rough gravel, all nice. Mostly flat so we made good time. Ate lunch at a picnic table beside a lake on the east side of Bellevue which has an amazing collection of old locomotives and railroad cars. Plus, several railroad line converge in Bellevue so it’s a very active modern era railroad town as well.
We’ll ride through Toledo on Thursday. Don’t know what to expect but the Google bicycle maps which we’re fans of take its preferred route right through the heart of the city.
Then we’ll set our destination for Kalamazoo, Michigan. We may cross the Ohio-Michigan border Thursday.
Our total miles are now up to 660. About 340 to go. The air’s drier now, and leaves are just starting to change and fall. North winds blew today and we felt a tinge of coolness in them.
Tra la.