Seeking part-time work. Will sit w/loved one. 20 yrs.exp. in nursing homes & Beebe Hosp. References avail., background check can be done, reasonable rates $20/hr. (302) 684-8320.
- Michelin Nibler, 19"x23"x1.3/8", photo avail.; $300. (610) 291-0617 or (302) 567-2133.
- (1) 19", exc.cond. $25 obo. (2) 15" exc.cond $15 each obo. All 3 for $30. (302) 245-6835.
- w/2 golf carts at Heritage Shores Golf Club in Bridgeville, DE. Great price $250. (302) 542-9184.
- Stripes are red, green & white glitter. 4"-5". $10ea or 6/$50 obo. (302) 245-6835.
- Very good cond. 20HP, electric start. Low hours on motor. $4,900. (845) 608-0043.
- Excellent condition 32" barrel w/case. Approx 380 rounds of ammo. included. Asking $1900.00. (302) 228-2758
- 2003 Yamaha 90hp 4-stroke, tagged Sea Lion trailer, FF, GPS, bimini, boat cover. $6,100 firm. (302) 684-5277.
- 2 tops, new paint, new interior, good tires, titanium wheels, looks/runs good. Must see. (302) 684-3430.
- with trailer, 8hp Honda motor, regisration/title, jib & main sails included; $3,000. (302) 682-3223.
- with trailer, 9.9hp Yamaha, registration/title, jib & main included; $9,000. (302) 682-3223.
- w/mounted carpet cleaning system. Can be converted to power-washing use. $6,500. Calls only (302) 236-7971.
- 179,500 miles, 6-cyl, 5-spd, black, soft top. Pics on facebook marketplace. $7,500 obo. (302) 515-6908.
- Retiree owned. Meticulously cared for, garage kept. Recently serviced. NADA value $13,700, asking $9,800. (302) 734-4440.
- w/trailer, 4hp Tohatsu motor, jib & main sails included. $6,000. (302) 682-3223.
- Tagged for two years & inspected. Needs nothing, everything works; $3,500 obo. (302) 399-2750.
- Black with tan interior. Loaded. Push button start. Leather, panoramic moon roof, Michelins. Very nice cond. $4,500. (276) 623-3467.
- 1 owner, Runs great, Remote start, good tires, tagged until 9/2026; 125,300 miles. $11,500 obo. (302) 593-8806.
- Low mileage, clean, very good cond. Ready to go south this winter? $135,000. (703) 819-2925; (302) 644-8899.
- Limited AWD. Fully loaded. Pristine cond., black on black. 98,500 miles. 1 owner. $19,500 obo. (856) 579-9200.
- Live, good dates. T5083, T7394, T583, T7394 (7/3/94). $650 ea. (302) 542-9500.
- $500. (below appraised value). Negotiable, must sell. (302) 313-5983 or (302) 390-0950. Leave message.
- $500 (below appraised value). Negotiable, must sell. (302) 313-5983 or (302) 390-0950. Leave message.
- Knabe 1920 60" keyboard, beautiful dark mahogany, matching bench. Good working order, needs tuning. Milton. $3,000 obo. Call/text (302) 745-3168.
- collection. Very large collection, 50 years and older, $3,000. (302) 945-1615.
- 12 gauge shotgun in excellent condition w/30” barrel. $700.00 Firm. Sale handled through FFL. (302) 682-2700.
- Dough blade, shredder/chopper disc. Orig. $69; sell for $30. (302) 644-7470.
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