
Cyclists stop in Cape Region on way to national ceremony

EMS Memorial Ride honors fallen first responders
May 30, 2016

Cyclists taking part in the National EMS Memorial Bike Ride spent the night in the Cape Region May 18 after a long day of riding from the Wilmington area to the Rehoboth Beach Bandstand.

Nearly 100 cyclists took part in the East Coast event starting in Boston on May 14 and ending in Arlington, Va., on May 20. Many of the cyclists did the entire route over seven days while others joined in for sections of the ride.

On May 21, cyclists from throughout the nation gathered in Arlington for the Weekend of Honor and the EMS Memorial Service to recognize the lives of EMS providers who have died in the line of duty, as well as providers who have given significantly to EMS and died of other causes.

Also taking part in the ride were cyclists in the Canadian Heroes are Human Capital to Capital Bike Ride, covering 956 miles from May 7 to May 20 from Ottawa, Ontario, to Washington, D.C.

The purpose of the Canadian ride was to increase awareness about post traumatic stress disorder and other occupational stress injuries faced by first responders – law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, paramedics and communication officers – in both countries.

Riders trickled in over an hour period May 18 for a rest stop at the Lewes Fire Department Station 2 before joining up for a group, escorted ride south on Route 1 to downtown Rehoboth Beach where a memorial service took place. The ride down Rehoboth Avenue was led by 14-year-old Matthew Callaway, son of Sussex County paramedic Stephanie Callaway who died in an ambulance crash near Long Neck on June 17, 2008.

The following morning, cyclists were treated to breakfast by the staff of Beebe Healthcare before leaving for Annapolis, Md. Among the riders were 12 cyclists from Sussex County.

The ride was supported by the Delaware Winged Riders volunteers who ride in honor of fallen comrades including Callaway and Delaware City paramedic and firefighter Michelle Smith, who was killed Dec. 22, 2008, by a motorist while she was aiding a motorcycle crash victim.

In addition, three members of the group took part in the ride.


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