The “Friends of The Rolt Family” are hosting a Spaghetti Dinner /Silent Auction from 5 to 9 p.m., Friday, May 27, at Grace United Methodist Church, Market and King streets in Georgetown. Acclaimed gospel singer Jerry Jones will provide a concert at 8 p.m. to raise funds so that Barry Rolt may receive the private duty nursing at home he needs.
The Rolts lived, worked and worshipped in Sussex County from 2003 to 2009. Holly Rolt worked in the healthcare industry as executive director of Methodist Manor House in Seaford and later at Brandywine Assisted Living in Rehoboth Beach. Barry was a histology technician at Beebe Medical Center. Daughter Lavonne attended Eagle’s Nest Christian Academy and actively participated in Girl Scouts. The family worshipped at Grace United Methodist Church and at St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church in Georgetown.
In 2009, the Rolts moved to Pittsburgh, Pa. Then the unexpected happened and their lives were turned upside down. In August 2010, Barry began to experience back pain. A battery of tests found a tumor, which was cancerous and was wrapped around Barry’s ribs. Surgery to remove the cancerous growth resulted in paralysis from the chest down.
Holly is now Barry’s full-time caregiver. While home health nurses provide wound care, it is Holly who provides the majority of his daily care. Holly does this in addition to working full-time (with a one hour commute each way) and also caring for their 13-year-old daughter, Lavonne. Their health insurance will not cover the costs for private duty nursing and roceeds from the dinner/auction will go toward the cost of badly needed private duty nursing care.
The Friends of the Rolt Family are also seeking donations. All donations are tax deductible and will go to the Barry Rolt Care Fund, tax ID 80-0686969. For more information about this benefit, call Paula Schatz at 302-249-9461. For tickets, call Linda Messersmith 945-0245 or Andrea Montgomery 945-2323.