Cape JROTC honors local veterans
On Nov. 18, Cape Henlopen High School JROTC conducted its annual Veterans Week Ceremony to honor armed forces veterans employed by the school district and local veteran organizations. American Legion Post 17 Cmdr. Ed Bergen explained the significance of the National POW/MIA Day, and the symbolism displayed on a POW/MIA table during the ceremony. The cadet commander for the ceremony, attended by about 200 cadets, was Cadet Lt. Col. David Collord, who opened and closed the ceremony with a battalion honor salute to all veterans past and present. Receiving special recognition was Cadet Maj. Jake Siranides who received the Department of the Army Superior Decoration for extraordinary achievement over the past year. Certificates of appreciation from the U.S. Army and from the Cape Henlopen School District were presented by Cape Superintendent Robert Fulton to all veterans and representatives of all of local veterans organizations. Also addressing the ceremony was Rep. Steve Smyk, R-Milton. while Sen. Ernie Lopez, R-Lewes, also attended.