If you are planning to appear before the Sussex County Board of Adjustment, listen to the audio on the county website recorded during the Jan. 9 meeting.
Applicant Beverly Mears, who is seeking to open a four-resident assisted living home near Georgetown, nailed her presentation to perfection. Other than one done by an attorney, it's the best presentation I've heard given to the board.
She had a professional power point that answered every possible question the board might have, including the most important. Every decision the board makes is based on the answer to this question with strange wording: Will the application substantially affect adversely the uses of adjacent and neighboring property?
She addressed that question head on citing reasons why it doesn't. She also had an open house for neighbors to show the house and answer questions prior to the meeting.
Since its inception when zoning was established in the 1970s, the board has heard nearly 12,000 cases. Many people are not even aware the board of five appointed members meets twice a month in the county administration building. While most applications are for variances from setbacks, the board also rules on big-ticket items such as cell phone towers.