Cape High students named ambassadors to school board
Eight Cape High students have been selected to report on high school activities to Cape Henlopen school board.
As ambassadors, the students are expected to keep the board apprised of school activities and offer input if needed.
“A member of the group will attend the monthly school board meeting and introduce a speaker who will talk about a school club or activity,” said Angela Thompson, high school guidance counselor. “They'll cover one or two clubs a meeting.”
With more than a dozen clubs at the high school, she said, the group will have plenty to cover throughout the year.
Senior Dillon Mocci said he looks forward to participating in school board meetings.
“I like doing it to have a voice in the community,” he said. “I just like to be here to answer any questions.”
High school guidance counselors chose the ambassadors based on academics and school involvement. Seniors Dillon, Katie Maher and Sarah Rambo were joined by juniors Gerri Flowers, Megha Patel, Tamia Bonville, Taylor Morgan and Aarin Burton as they introduced themselves to the board.
Megha said there were no issues in particular that she planned to bring to the board.
“I'll just share the good things about the clubs,” she said. “There's a lot of good things we're doing in the community – mulch sales, gift wrapping during the holidays.”
For senior Katie Maher, it wasn't her first board meeting. Katie was at a board meeting in 2014 when board members were considering the design of a new scoreboard. Her input that night helped them make a decision.
“I saw how students can help the board,” she said. “We are a voice.”
Board member Jessica Tyndall said she remembers serving as a school board representative when she was a student at Indian River High School.
“It takes a lot of guts to stand in front of the podium,” she said. “Thank you guys for volunteering your time.”
The students were not sure what their first official presentation would be, but they thanked the board for considering their input.
“It's good for students to be involved,” said senior Sarah Rambo. “It's a better connection.”