Friends and family gathered April 22 for a celebration of the life of Kevin Bauer, also known as Isabella Frost, who died March 20 at age 34. Persistant rain forced the celebration inside the Purple Parrot, where family, friends and fans talked about Kevin’s impact on others during his short life.
Friends reminisced about his antics and zest for life. Julia Sugarbaker told stories of road trips to see shows, featuring his multiple vehicles and mishaps, while Roxy Overbrooke sang tunes that held deep memories for all in attendance. Julie Norwood worked with Kevin at Bad Hair Day, where Kevin was always willing and able to get any task completed, always with a bright spirit.
Nancy Ruley, Kevin’s aunt, spoke of his generous spirit and his teasing demeanor when he called her to check in. His brother, Bryan Bauer, a school counselor, talked about the legacy that he will carry on through his work to bring tolerance and understanding to the forefront in his daily interactions.
Tears were flowing when DJ, Susan Pawlikowski played a speech Isabella Frost gave during a pageant for Miss Gay Delaware and Regional, which was pure Kevin, expressing gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to participate.
The culmination of the day came when biodegradable doves with messages written on them were released.
Ruley, Bryan Bauer and parents Sharon and Edward Bauer expressed gratitude for the Purple Parrot family who welcomed them.
A quote from his Facebook page expresses Kevin’s spirit: “Appreciate and love all of you ... remember you only live once, and live every minute, I know I have!”
Kevin Matthew Bauer,
aka Isabella Frost