What’s the Difference Between Age Restricted and Age Targeted?
Are All Active Adult Communities Exclusively 55+?
This question is coming up more often from you, our Buyer Clients. You have been reading about 55+ active adult communities for years as you have been planning for your retirement. Now the time has come and you are on our web site or others you found in a Google search and you find the term “age targeted” or “All Ages” when you’re reading about active adult communities vs. “55+” or “age restricted”. What’s that about? Are all active adult communities exclusively 55+?
Not all active adult communities are age restricted and many of our clients that are 55+ are choosing to buy in all ages communities that are age targeted. Can you tell the difference?
All Real Estate is Local
I can only talk about real estate in Delaware. Even within Delaware...
To read the full blog post, click here.
We focus on our clients - the 65,000 Baby Boomers, or at least the ones that would like to live in Delaware or already do. We Specialize In Buyer Representation of New Homes and Resale Homes in Delaware.
✔Active Adult Communities
✔Waterfront Communities
✔Golf Communities
✔In-town and Historic Districts
For more information regarding this property or any other properties in Delaware, visit www.activeadultsrealty.com or contact Active Adults Realty at 302-424-1890, or via email to