
Rehoboth sets town hall meeting on outfall Sept. 16

Engineers, contractors to present plans, answer questions
September 7, 2017

Rehoboth residents will have a chance to learn about plans for the city’s ocean outfall at a town hall meeting at 1 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 16.

The meeting will run until 4 p.m. and include a question-and-answer session.

Crews plan to begin mobilizing by Sunday, Oct. 1 with work completed by April 30. The $52.5 million project includes improvements to the wastewater treatment plant, a new pump station at the plant, a force main to take treated effluent to the outfall and a 3,000-foot outfall pipe with a diffuser to disperse the effluent into the ocean.

Brandon Gott, project manager, said his firm, GHD, would conduct a presentation while contractors will be on hand to provide additional feedback and answer questions. Gott said there will be one-lane road closures on Henlopen Avenue, where the force main will lead to Deauville Beach, but only in areas where construction is occurring. He said other road closures are possible but not known at this time.

City spokeswoman Krys Johnson said the city will send a letter to residents and property owners along the force main construction route, and updates and alerts on the project will be posted on the city website. Johnson said the letter will ask residents for their email so they can be contacted directly about construction updates. She said 17 parking spaces will be reserved near the fire hall for the meeting including three in front of Conch Island, six spaces directly across from Conch Island, eight spaces across from Dos Locos and spaces behind  the fire hall. Limited handicapped parking is in the rear of the fire hall. All spaces will have “Reserved” signs and a police officer will be in the area to enforce these spaces, Johnson said.

 For town hall questions, contact the Communications Department at 227-2772 or at For more information, visit

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