
Clothing Our Kids thanks community

December 28, 2017

As the year draws to an end, I want to send my sincere thanks to you for your commitment and loyalty to the Clothing Our Kids organization, and bring you up to date on how your donations have helped needy children in Sussex County. This past school year COK distributed over 20,000 articles of clothing to 3,800 underprivileged children, many of them in crisis situations.

Our volunteers worked with school nurses, social workers and guidance counselors to identify children in need. They then gathered the appropriate items, including jeans, T-shirts, socks, undergarments, etc. and delivered them to the school where the child was presented with his or her much-needed clothing. For many of these kids this was the first time they had a new shirt or jeans that came to them with the tags still attached. The smiles on their faces could make your heart swell, but even more satisfying are the notes we receive from grateful nurses and family members of the children we help.

Here are just a few examples: A Seaford School District mom wrote: “I felt blessed and so thankful that my children could go to school with new clothes, and not be ashamed or picked on for wearing what they had worn all last year. If it wasn’t for your organization, I too would feel ashamed that I didn’t have the means to get my children new clothes to start off the new school year, so thank you very much.” Rosalyn Daisy, RN, wrote: “We were only in our first month [of the school year] and students were already coming to the nurse’s office with needs. Only caring people provide for the needs of a child like you do.” Earlier this year the Seaford School District wrote: “Your support helps us continue to assist those in our community who are homeless or in transition. If a family is evicted they leave with the clothes on their backs and find themselves in desperate need of help. Your organization has come through time and time again providing sneakers, hats, coats and gloves for each child. Your organization brings hope, dignity and joy to these families.”

These comments come to us as a direct result of your generosity; it’s because of you that COK can fulfill its mission. I want to thank you, our donors, for your support. Your contributions have touched the lives of thousands of children who, through no fault of their own, live in urgent need. Your kindness provides the resources that are directed to address those needs right here in our community. Our volunteers and board of directors join me in thanking you for your generous partnership and support. For all you’ve done and continue to do, we are deeply grateful. Wishing you all the blessings of the holiday season.

John F. Smith
Clothing Our Kids

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