The Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk as a tourist trap?
What do the Alamo, Mall of America, Epcot and the Liberty Bell have in common with the Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk?
All are included on one or more websites as the worst tourist trap in their respective states.
Here's what “Business Insider” said about Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk: “Not technically overrated, but certainly overcrowded, Rehoboth Beach's boardwalk makes this list for being jam-packed with tourists. Apparently, finding a parking spot is about as rare as spotting a unicorn, and many complain about inflated prices, and call the boardwalk average or even extremely average.”
Ok, let's get real. This was obviously written by someone who doesn't get out much. Just about everyone I have ever talked to loves Rehoboth Beach Boardwalk. Funland, pizza, french fries and the beach draw hundreds of thousands of people to the area each year.
The Boardwalk has its own appeal as an above-average, family-friendly place.
I've visited 14 of the 50 tourist traps listed in the posting, including Niagara Falls in New York, Wall Drug in South Dakota, South of the Border in South Carolina, Four Corners in New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah, and Bourbon Street in Louisiana.
There is an element of tourist trap at each place, but each place has its own, unique draw.
One that is missing is the World's Only Corn Palace in Mitchell, S.D. It's a large building covered with corn murals that I would rate as a real tourist trap because you have to drive forever to get there. Even so, it's pretty cool to look at.
A tourist trap in one person's mind is a unique place to visit in another's.
A connection to Wall Drug
It's odd that Wall Drug made the list, because I have a connection to the place.
Working on an editor's fellowship at The International Herald Tribune in Paris, I was determined to get at least one story published. I didn't have much luck, and time was running out on my year-long fellowship.
Working in the features department for a few months, I edited a travel feature highlighting quirky places to visit in the United States. The lightbulb went off – Wall Drug is about as quirky as they come.
Pieced together with my own experiences visiting Wall Drug over the years, I contacted the owners and did an interview over the phone. The features editor liked the story and it was published. Mission accomplished thanks to Wall Drug.
What is Wall Drug? It's a general store, pharmacy, mini-mall and restaurant in the town of Wall, S.D., on the edge of the Badlands. It's like an upscale South of the Border with a western theme.
It opened in 1931 offering free ice water to hot and tired travelers. To bring in those travelers, billboards started appearing all over the West. Today, there are more than 3,000 billboards – and probably millions of bumper stickers – around the world. And yes, you can still get free ice water.