The fish don’t care
Mother Nature just can't make up her mind! The weatherman is probably pulling out his hair by now. Supposed to rain and doesn't, not supposed to rain and it does.
It has rained nearly every weekend except for the last two. The fish don't care and will bite anyway, but the fishing has been spotty at best depending on what you are going for and where.
The offshore action for tuna has been decent if you get on the fish, or it is just a long boat ride.
The 3 Amigos was out over last weekend and bailed nine tuna at one time. "We ran into some fish and nine rods went off at one time. It was a scramble to haul that many lines and keep everything straight." Marlin and mahi are also being caught.
Mako sharks have been decent catches but with the new regulations it is harder to get a keeper to the docks. Mako sharks now have to be 83 inches or larger to be retained by recreational anglers.
The flounder bite is picking up offshore at the Old Grounds.
The inshore bite is decent but there have been a lot of throwbacks.
The Lewes Canal seems to have the best action. Minnows and Gulp are the preferred bait. I know many people like to use a double drop rig so they can have two baits out.
I prefer a single drop so I don't go through bait faster. Most of the time the bait that is hit and missing is the bottom one.
The surf has been quiet, even for this time of year. Kingfish finally started hitting readily, more so on the southern beaches around Fenwick Island.
"The bite has been off this year for some reason" is all I keep hearing from fellow anglers.
There are days people don't even catch a skate, which is unusual.
Shark fishing is not a problem but many are still doing it wrong and taking the sharks out of the water.
Flounder are in the first part of the surf along the edge of the sand drop off. Jigging for them is the best method to catch.
The Cape Henlopen Fishing Pier has been seeing off and on spot action.
The flounder bite has been decent with a lot of throwbacks. It is better fishing on the incoming into the outgoing tide window.
The end of the pier was removed and the low fence was put back. You can now fish the end of the pier. Unfortunately parks had to remove the skinnier end section of the pier for safety concerns from failing pylon systems.
The Kid's Catch-All Tournament had a great turnout this year.
Lot of fish came to the scales. Tuna, mahi, sea robins, flounder, croaker, and dogfish ... just to name a few.
Delaware Surf Fishing has been hosting weekly beach cleanups on Tuesdays. "We like to do these on Tuesday since that is the least busy day at the beach. It is much easier and less intrusive to beachgoers. The schedule is below, if you would like to join us out there.
We can sign paperwork for kids' community service needs for school.
We supply gloves but prefer you bring your own, buckets are used to collect trash and then transferred to a can we have on a vehicle.
Water is supplied by Diamond State Custom Tackle. This whole process takes 2 to 3 hours. We are hoping to find a restaurant to feed the cleanup crew in exchange for some promotion.