You never know what you will see at the beach
It would be nice if we could get some serious sun showers, the rain is just sucking the life out of many people.
Fortunately for we surf anglers this is perfect weather to fish the beaches. There are no crowds, no one in the way in the water, and the fish will stay closer to shore on overcast days. Can you believe it is August already!
Fall is coming, but first, it is time for locals' summer right after September first.
Fishing has been anywhere from easy to a challenge, well ... catching that is, fishing is easy. The usual summer spots are producing fish; it just depends on the weather, tide, bait, and timing. The Cape Henlopen fishing pier is seeing a decent variety of summer fish and the triggers are back around the pylons. They have been hard to hook up, but they are there. Usually a small piece of clam and a small hook do the trick. The fact that the front of the pier has been removed has made it more crowded and harder to catch. Anglers are doing pretty well despite that. As usual, weekdays are the least crowded days and that goes for anywhere here this time of year.
Triggers have been plentiful for the boats hitting the walls and offshore structure. Seems to be a lot more of them this year, which is good for the charter companies. It adds another fish they can catch, especially for folks who have never caught or even seen one. The flounder action has picked up offshore and inshore. Lewes Canal has been producing some nice keepers. Inland bays are doing okay but could be better. The offshore action has definitely picked up the charter boats out of Lewes are doing well when they can get out in this crazy weather. That is one factor that is keeping the catching down, it is hard to a no-go to fish in rough weather and seas.
Surf fishing has been producing small bluefish, spot, kingfish, croaker, sand perch and some flounder. Even some small weakfish are being caught especially on the Delaware Bay beaches. Mullet rigs are working for the bluefish and cut bait. Top and bottom rigs for the smaller fish, we use DS Custom Tackle rigs, locally made and with quality gear. We have been product testing the new BonaFide baits by Fortescue Bait Company and it has been doing well. There are several "flavors" and we like all of them. If your bait shop isn't carrying them ask them to start; you will be pleased with the results. It is working in the surf, piers, boats and everywhere in between.
Delaware Surf Fishing has opened registration for War on the Shore: a surf fishing tournament on Oct. 13 in Cape Henlopen State Park. It is limited to 300 anglers at $100 per angler. If the goal of 300 anglers is met the first prize will be $10,000. You don't want to miss out on this. Register online at today.
Beach cleanups hosted by DSF have been doing well. Join us every Tuesday at 9 a.m. at a different Delaware State Park beach. The schedule is on the website as well. We do these to help get rid of the trash that washes up onshore, even this time of year most of your beach trash comes from the ocean.
Despite the sediment laden flood waters, the Chesapeake Bay has been producing a lot of good rockfish catches. The charters have been doing well. Hopefully the debris fields on the water will dissipate soon, but with all this weather it is hard to tell. Our own waters a really stirred up due to swollen streams and rivers' run off.
Offshore has been decent for the boats when they can get out. Seems like I have had to say that a lot this year. That weather though. Deep dropping for tilefish has produced decent catches. Tuna, mahi, and bill fishing has been good, you just have to be able to get out there. Much better again on the weekdays with less company and competition. Some cobia have been caught site fishing for them around buoys. Reef and wreck sites are producing a variety of summer catches.
I would say have a nice weekend but I have no idea what the weather will be like! It changes way too much.