A group of 21 Sussex County high school juniors and seniors will experience the triumphs and challenges of being philanthropists this year through the Delaware Community Foundation’s Youth Philanthropy Board.
Like its counterparts in New Castle and Kent counties, the Sussex YPB includes students from public, private and parochial schools. The DCF gives each board $10,000 to award to local charities. The students work together to choose a focus area, solicit and review grant applications, conduct site visits, and decide how to distribute the money to have the greatest impact.
Grant applications will be available at www.delcf.org/grants in late December and due in January.
“The DCF’s Youth Philanthropy Board is one of the most fun and effective programs we run in the community,” said Bill Allan, vice president of philanthropy for Southern Delaware. “The students learn to see the needs in their communities, and work hard to find ways to prioritize and address those needs. It gives the students a unique experience they would not otherwise have at this young age.”
The mission of the Delaware Community Foundation is to build a shared vision for Delaware, grounded in knowledge, inspired by the common good and advanced through philanthropy. As a facilitator, information resource and manager of charitable funds, the DCF helps communities and philanthropists focus charitable resources for the greatest community benefit statewide. For more information, go to www.delcf.org or call 302-571-8004. The Southern Delaware office phone is 302-856-4393.