Beebe celebrates contributors at all levels
National Philanthropy Day is Nov. 15. It is a celebration of philanthropy – giving, volunteering and charitable engagement – that highlights the accomplishments, large and small, that philanthropy and all those involved in the philanthropic process make to our society and our world.
In my 17 years as a fundraiser, I have been inspired by the generosity of many. At Beebe particularly, I’ve seen hundreds of donors who care so deeply about their local, not-for-profit healthcare system that they loyally support it every year, some for more than 10 consecutive years.
To our board members who so generously give their time, talents, treasures and ties; and to the over 700 volunteers who walk patients to their appointments, who answer phones, who work at our Tunnell Cancer Center, etc., Beebe wouldn’t be the best without you.
To the grateful patients who take time to honor Beebe heroes and proudly tell their story; to the Rollins family, who donated the transformational $10 million gift and who have generously supported the Lewes community; to all of the Beebe believers who support Beebe in all kinds of ways, I say thank you!
This year on Nov. 15, Philanthropy Day, I was humbled and honored to be named Fundraising Executive of the Year by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Brandywine Chapter. This chapter serves the communities of the Brandywine Valley including Delaware, Southeastern Pennsylvania, Eastern Maryland, and Southwestern New Jersey.
I was so pleased to accept this award at the DuPont Country Club in Wilmington surrounded by my family as well as amazing great colleagues, board members and donors both from Beebe and Friends School. For my speech, I decided to write a poem, so here it is:
I am honored to receive this prestigious award
As I’m following in the footsteps of many
Who have been my mentors and taught me the field
And I owe them plenty.
Organizations such as AHP and AFP are invaluable
With great colleagues and information galore
Being a member and learning all we can
Has helped us all soar.
Words from a song I love are
Reach out and touch somebody’s hand
Make this world a better place
If you can.
As fundraisers, we certainly have
Helped make this world a better place
By listening and helping donors
With kindness, style and grace.
Many of us, like me, have fell in to this profession
And I can’t believe my luck
To have made a difference
And it is not just about raising a buck.
Our work includes cultivating deep relationships
Remembering people at their time of need
Celebrating great donors
And creating legacies.
Friends School was my first fundraising career for 13 years
With donors contributing over $60 million to help build facilities
That support excellent learning for thousands of students
We can only imagine the possibilities.
In five years, we have raised over $40 million for Beebe;
What an honor to support our Beebe Heroes
Who every day save and change lives
There are just not enough zeros.
However, Beebe was honored to receive
A $10 million gift—now that is a lot of zeros and—truly transformational
Received from Peggy and Randall Rollins
How amazing and inspirational!
Beebe Healthcare is 102 years old
In Sussex County, one of the fastest-growing counties in the U.S.
Saving and changing lives is what we do best.
Our team’s care and compassion always get an A+
And to be sure
There is nothing slower
About lower Delaware anymore.
Great gifts come in every day
From grateful patients who lives have been saved
To honor our extraordinary physicians and nurses
Who deserve tons of praise.
Also, my team deserves tons of praise
As we know, fundraising is a team sport.
They are dedicated, compassionate and caring people
Who are always in the donor’s court.
Our excellent Beebe team includes Tom, Dave and Diane
Who have the pleasure of meeting with Beebe Believers
Lesley, Sue, Amy, Karen, Helen, Amanda and Leanne
Whose support makes us high achievers.
Board members like Tommy and Christian give so much.
Campaign chairs, like the Meolis and Megees, are also to be
They give time, treasure, talent and ties;
Working with all of them has been splendid.
I’ve been blessed
To work with my boss, Jeff, and other extraordinary managers
Who have been excellent fundraising partners
And have the utmost character.
My family and friends are always by my side:
My husband, Jim, of 36 years;
My children: Erin, Gabe, Kyle, Emmy, Grandbaby Cora and one on the way
Always provide the best support and cheers to me.
Donors of all kinds are the best
Foundations like Longwood, Welfare, Crystal Trust
We can always depend on
And thanks to them is a must.
So it is with great thanks and high honor
That I accept this lifetime award with grace
As we all continue to
Make Delaware and this world a better place.
Thank you Sussex County for making Beebe a better place. You believe in Beebe, you invest in Beebe, you recognize our Beebe heroes, and today on this important day – Philanthropy Day – you are appreciated and thanked.
As a community-based, not-for-profit healthcare system, Beebe Healthcare depends on the generous support of the community. All gifts to Beebe are tax-deductible and are channeled through Beebe Medical Foundation. To learn more about making a gift to the endowment, contact the Beebe Medical Foundation at 302-644-2900 or