The 10th annual Seashore Classic held May 11 at Irish Eyes was an amalgamation of distances from the open 5K and half marathon to a half-marathon relay.
There were 97 runners who either elected the open half or couldn’t find a friend to run with them.
Enos Benbow, undertrained and underfed, cruised the half-marathon course in 1:23. Brad Hertzler of Lancaster, Pa., was second in 1:28:05, while local Marcus White placed third in 1:28 while also placing first in the masters division.
Susan Greally, 53, from Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., was the first woman to finish, in 1:40.1. Jordan Cohn was second in 1:41:28, while Leisa Villani was third overall and first in the women’s masters in 1:42.40.
Tyler Blades, 16, from Frankford won the Young Gun Award, running 1:48.4.
John Yanacek, 53, from Milford was the first clydesdale finisher, in 1:59:06. Meaghan Nana-Sinkham, 47, was the first filly, in 2:24:59.
The 5K race was won by 30-year-old Joey Hawley from Irwin, Pa., in 17:35. Joey was a 126-pound wrestler but never ran cross country or track in high school or college.
Liam O’Donnell, 14, straight out of Beacon Middle School, placed second in 18:48.
Kim Geyer, 51, Millersville police officer, was the first female in 24:31. Eugenija King, 36, was second in 26:26.