
Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge commends Lewes Fire Department

June 3, 2019

Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540 recently honored the Lewes Fire Department for outstanding service during a crisis at the lodge.

A water main broke and flooded the lodge’s basement April 27. The damage was discovered only after water pressure was seriously affected. By that time, the entire basement had flooded and was a serious threat to the safety of the lodge. The Lewes Fire Department was called, and members responded immediately. It took more than four hours to pump 15,000 gallons of water out of the basement.

Exalted Ruler Ralph Patterson commended the swift and successful action taken by the Lewes Fire Department. “They handled the crisis quickly and with great professionalism,” he said. “We are deeply grateful to the men and women who volunteer their time in service to our entire community and the service provided to our lodge.”

In a short ceremony prior to a recent lodge meeting, Patterson presented a letter of commendation and a donation to Lewes Fire Department President Craig Stephens, thanking the department for its outstanding service.

Elks love the United States and desire to preserve its cherished institutions, traditions and values. They believe the dream of a better world becomes reality when shaped by enough willing hearts and hands.

For morel information about Cape Henlopen Elks Lodge 2540, call Patterson at 480-710-2696.


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