
It’s a new year for veterans wishing to join the American Legion

October 3, 2019

Congress chartered and incorporated the American Legion in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. And if turning 100 this year wasn’t enough to celebrate, the American Legion has another victory for veterans.  

The Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for National Service Act was recently signed into law and opens American Legion membership to hundreds of thousands of veterans. Now, any honorably discharged veterans who have served since Dec. 7, 1941 (and presently serving active-duty members), may join the American Legion and access its programs and benefits. 

“We are proud to welcome any of the 6 million living veterans from the previously unrecognized periods into our organization and call them ‘Legionnaires,’” said National Legion Commander Brett Reistad. "These veterans and their family members can now enjoy all the benefits of their service which they so richly deserve."

The Sons of the American Legion eligibility criteria changed along with that of the American Legion. Any son or grandson of a living American Legion member will be able to join the SAL program. (Sons and grandsons of deceased veterans are also eligible, whether or not that deceased veteran was a legion member.)

Eligibility for the American Legion Auxiliary has undergone historic changes, as well. Not only is membership open to grandmothers, mothers, sisters, wives, and direct and adopted female descendants of eligible veterans, alive or deceased, just as the SALs, but is now open to male spouses of veterans and service members. 

The first post in the First Town in the First State, American Legion Post 17 of Lewes, has long served veterans and the community and surrounding area, and as such, welcomes all interested veterans and their families to contact the post for additional information  for veterans, SALs or auxiliary membership.  The Post Canteen opens daily at 11 a.m., at 113 American Legion Road, Lewes; phone 302-645-9965. For more information call 302-645-1751, email, or go to


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