
Ruth Post of Milton enjoys the comfort of home with help from Delaware Hospice

November is National Hospice Month
November 21, 2011

“We’ve got to make the best of what we’ve got while we’ve got it!” said retired artist and Delaware Hospice patient Ruth Post, sitting comfortably in her lovely home, surrounded by her favorite pieces of art and antiques. Her positive outlook on life has brought her through challenging times, including a leg amputation, loss of sight, and the onset of heart disease.

“I remember the look on my doctor’s face when I reacted to his telling me that they couldn’t save my leg. I said, ‘Well that’s one way to lose weight!’ He must have expected a more hysterical reaction, but my motto has always been, ‘If you can’t change it, why cry about it?’”

Post has been a resident of Milton for 30 years, raised three sons, and worked as a graphic artist for Del Tech for many years. At 83 years of age, her greatest challenge now is to remain in her own home as long as possible. She manages well with the help of her nearby family and generous neighbors who frequently stop by and drop off home-cooked meals. She also credits Delaware Hospice with helping her accomplish this.

“Many folks have misconceptions about hospice, just as I did. But their care is absolutely wonderful. I have a great rapport with my social worker, who just stopped by for a visit. My C.N.A. comes over in the afternoons to help me bathe, and a nurse checks up on me often."

On two occasions Post went to stay at the Delaware Hospice Center for symptom management of problems related to her heart illness, and she still remembers the surprise when she first entered the doors. “I wasn’t expecting the Taj Mahal, but that’s pretty close to what I found!” she exclaimed. "The place was breathtaking. Their staff was kind and caring; their physicians were so nice. They treated us with such dignity and respect. And, best of all, the food was excellent. I’ve stayed in many places over the years, but never like this. I wouldn’t have imagined such a place existed.”

The center’s staff remembers Post’s visits well. Regional medical director Dr. Chris Short said, “Our team enjoyed caring for such a classy lady who truly values her independence, and worked diligently to manage her acute symptoms with the goal of returning to her own home.”

Post will never forget one special incident. After the latest illness which put her in the Delaware Hospice Center for special 24-hour care, she was quite anxious to get her flu shot. She said, “Do you believe it - one of the nurses at the center made arrangements for the ambulance taking me home from the center to stop at the Walgreens in Milton. There, the pharmacist came outside, stepped in the ambulance, and gave me my flu shot right then and there! It meant so much to me.”

For anyone who might need hospice care but avoids making the call because of fear or misconceptions, Post said, “Don’t be afraid! I didn’t have a clue about hospice before, but I can tell you now that Delaware Hospice is a wonderful organization made up of kind and caring individuals who do everything they can to improve the quality of your life. You just can’t say enough about them!”

For more information about Delaware Hospice’s programs and services, call 800-838-9800 or go to

Since the Delaware Hospice Center in Milford opened on April 9, 2008, more than 2,500 patients and families have found relief and comfort in its peaceful surroundings, as they receive 24-hour care from the professionals on staff. The Delaware Hospice Center was built to meet the critical need in the community for another care option when a hospice-appropriate loved one can’t be cared for at home, needs specialized care, or may be experiencing a medical crisis. Another purpose of the center is to provide life learning and personal improvement support services. Its Family Support Center offers workshops, lectures and support groups each month which are open to the public. The Community Conference Room provides a meeting place for local nonprofit organizations at no charge.


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