Special Angels at Beebe – A letter from Gene Boemer

On March 17, 2019, I experienced a medical incident that left me breathless, hurting, and feeling very low in spirit on St. Patrick’s Day.
I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for the “Special Angels” at Beebe who appeared and helped me thru my ordeal and who, each in their own way, helped to lift my low spirit!
In Beebe Healthcare’s Emergency Department, my angel, Donna Ohle (friend, neighbor and Beebe volunteer), was there for support with her warm and confident smile: “Gene, do as you are told and you will be alright. Help us to help you.”
On my first day after being admitted, my spirit was lifted by another angel, Anna Nutter, a student nurse with a radiant smile and a joyous spirit. I was grateful she was there to assist and help me.
My next angel, Jennifer Fitzcharles, RN, appeared with her crazy leg socks that boosted my spirit. Her glorious smile and attention to detail helped my comfort level overall.
Then, I received a surprise visit from a distinguished gentleman with a jovial smile. Angel Dave Szumski from Beebe Medical Foundation appeared with a “smiley flower” in a bud vase and an accompanying note that really lifted my spirit! Nothing can lift one’s spirit more than a genuine, warm smile and a pretty flower! Being the son of florists, I have always sent and given flowers to others for joyous and sad occasions. This was my first time to receive a flower!
With all of the excellent care, warm smiles, and correspondence and notes from individuals mentioned – including their smiley faces – my recovery was helped so much.
To all of you, many thanks for all your help when my spirit needed a boost!
Sincerely, Gene
The “smiley flower” and note that lifted Gene’s spirits are part of a Beebe Medical Foundation program whereby a team member visits donors who are in the hospital, delivering a single fresh flower to convey appreciation for their support and best wishes for their recovery. In gratitude for this gesture, Gene painted a bouquet of flowers and presented the artwork to David Szumski, gift planning officer for the foundation. That artwork now appears on Beebe notecards, illustrating the circle of caring that encompasses Beebe, its patients and families, and the community as a whole.
As a community-based, not-for-profit healthcare system, Beebe Healthcare depends on the generous support of individuals, local businesses, corporations and private foundations. All gifts are tax-deductible, so please consider making a gift today. Contact Beebe Medical Foundation at beebemedicalfoundation.org, 302-644-2900 or foundation@beebehealthcare.org.