
ChristianaCare conducts COVID-19 testing in Georgetown

State officials plan increase in testing, outreach in Sussex County
April 22, 2020

A mobile unit from ChristianaCare conducted drive-through COVID-19 testing in Georgetown, the area with the second-highest concentration of COVID-19 cases in Delaware.

ChristianaCare's mobile unit set up in the parking lot of Delaware Technical Community College April 22 for four hours of drive-through and walk-up testing.

It was the same day that Gov. John Carney announced a new partnership with various state agencies, hospitals and the poultry industry to establish testing centers, and increase outreach and distribution of COVID-19 educational materials in Sussex County.

“We are targeting places where there is a need for testing for people with no primary care providers or who can't get to testing facilities,” said Terri Carbo, ChristianaCare's senior vice president of clinical essential services who coordinated the testing.

Carbo said test results should be completed in ChristianaCare's laboratory within three to four days, and all test participants will be notified by phone of their results. Those testing positive will be given options for further care or treatment.

Carbo said the nearly 30 staff members who take part in the mobile testing program are dedicated to their jobs. “They do it for the love of health and the joy of serving others,” she said.

Mobile testing has also taken place in Wilmington and Middletown.

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