More than 100 Cape teachers and staff members signed up to deliver 350 diplomas, yard signs and Cape masks to graduates of the Class of 2020 the day after graduation, June 10.
Cape Assistant Superintendent Jenny Nauman gathers signs and diplomas to deliver to student homes.
Attendance secretary Carrie Lewis and science teacher Ben Evick pick up their packets to take to students.
Cape High Principal Nikki Miller and Assistant Principal Kyle Bentley make sure all materials are organized and ready to go.
French teacher Holly Criswell is set to deliver items to graduates, including to her own daughter, Evie Criswell.
Callum Heffernan wore his gown for the special occasion.
Students received yard signs bearing their senior portraits that were displayed at the Journey of the Class of 2020 drive-thru event, along with diplomas and a Cape Strong mask.