
Cape district made wrong decision

September 18, 2020

We should thank Lacey Brown, president of the local teachers association, for having the courage to speak out on the  poorly planned reopening recommended by  our local school superintendent.  Had he followed the plans of every school district in New Castle County and Kent County, he would have demonstrated courageous leadership, and would have had the overwhelming support of his teachers. No leader can effectively lead when he has lost the support of his troops; 75 percent of Cape teachers have voted “no confidence” in our local chief school officer.  How can we feel good about the safety of our kids if the classroom teachers have this much concern about the conditions in our schools? Two members of the school board voted against the superintendent’s recommendation.  These two votes coupled with the overwhelming vote of our teachers should be enough to cause our superintendent to realize he has made a mistake.  It is not too late to join the  safe online reopening plan which 85 percent of Delaware’s school kids will be safely following.

Chet Elder
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