Cape High students bike local trails
Cape High physical education students are geared up and biking regional trails, but more bicycles are needed, officials said.
“We have incorporated the bikes in our curriculum throughout the years, but even more now with the current COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions that are in place on our students in physical education,” said Physical Education and Health Department Chair Michael Connors.
About eight years ago, Connors said, teachers wanted to incorporate bicycles into the curriculum, so they sought funding from the community.
The Delaware Bike Council, local businesses and foundations, as well as community groups and individual donors supported the cause, allowing for the purchase of 23 Specialized Expedition seven-speed bicycles from Lewes Cycle Sports, Connors said.
Before riding, students complete a waiver and bicycle safety assessment, and are properly fitted for helmets. All bicycles and helmets are sanitized after every ride for the next class.
“Our department long-term goal is to have 35 active bicycles so that when all students return to school we can take an entire class of students out on the trails,” Connors said.
Donations are being accepted for new Specialized Expedition bicycles and safety helmets, Connors said. Donation levels are $250, which funds one bike and helmet; $500, which funds two bikes and helmets; $750, which funds three bikes and helmets; and $1,000, which funds four bikes and helmets.
Connors said checks can be made payable to Cape Henlopen School District, 1270 Kings Highway, Lewes DE 19958.
“Our department is exposing our students to an active lifestyle, utilizing the beautiful nearby Junction & Breakwater Trail and other surrounding trails in the natural environment of the Cape Region,” he said.