
Extend Warrington name to Plantation Road

October 22, 2020

It’s curious to me why someone who lives in Milton has such an interest in road naming in Lewes, but Jeff Dailey, you’re entitled to your opinion.

As someone who lives in Plantations East, I would be relieved to have the communities and road renamed.  Utopia?  No thanks, Mr. Dailey.  Use it somewhere in Milton.  The road already has a name:  Warrington, thank you. 

Why not just replace Plantation(s) with Warrington? Is there some law that says it’s an exclusively Rehoboth name? Why does Delaware have a penchant for, “Surprise, you’ve crossed the road; you’re on another street.”  I Googled Warrington and did not see anything negative come up.  It’s the name of a town in the U.K. and other municipalities.  I do not know the genesis of Warrington Road here in Sussex (another Anglophilic moniker) County. If there is something pejorative in “Warrington,” then by all means, scrap it. 

But “Utopia?” Geez, why not “Unicorn?”

Sharon Miken
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