
Community Briefs 10/29/20

October 29, 2020
Ocean View VFW student contest deadline Oct. 31

VFW Auxiliary 7234 of Ocean View announced deadlines for entries into the following contests and scholarship competitions. Patriot's Pen essays by students in sixth to eighth grade are due Saturday, Oct. 31. Voice of Democracy audio essays by students in ninth to 12th grade are due Oct. 31. Continuing education scholarship entries are due Sunday, Feb. 15. Creative Patriotic Art contest entries for students in ninth to 12th grade are due Wednesday, March 31. Illustrating America contest entries by students in kindergarten to eighth grade are due March 31. For more information, see school guidance departments or go to

UUSD to meet Nov. 1

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will hold an online service at 10 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 1. Holding Liminal Space will be the topic. All are welcome to view this Sunday service on UUSD's Facebook Page. For more information, go to

Bethel church holds in-person services

Bethel United Methodist Church is now holding in-person services with restrictions at 9 a.m., Sundays. Pastor Jim Penuel is leading the worship services in fellowship hall, where seating is limited to 130 people. Attendees must wear masks. Once Bethel has reached capacity, entrance will be denied. A weekly virtual service is livestreamed at 11 a.m., Sunday, on the church’s YouTube channel, Bethel Lewes. For more information, go to

Locals awarded degrees from Montclair State

Montclair State University announced two local residents were among its recent graduates. Brittany Hart of Milton graduated with a master’s degree in chemistry. Danielle Arnold of Lewes graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in family science and human development.

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