
Cape approves elementary enrollment area changes

Plan alleviates crowding at Love Creek
November 24, 2020

Cape elementary enrollment areas are set for the 2021-22 school year after a unanimous school board vote Nov. 16 that alleviates crowding at Love Creek Elementary by shifting some students to Rehoboth and Milton schools.

Cape Superintendent Bob Fulton said district officials understand students have made connections and friendships in their current schools, but redistricting is necessary because of spacing issues. 

Officials wanted to limit the number of families impacted by the change, Fulton said, adding he hoped approved areas will remain in place for at least five years.

The vote comes after one public forum and four school board presentations which produced one model as a starting point for discussion, then a final model Fulton recommended for board approval.

Currently, Love Creek has 694 students, Shields has 541, Rehoboth has 529, HOB has 446 and Milton has 429. Under the new model, Love Creek will have 520 students, Rehoboth will have 568, Shields will have 556, Milton will have 518 and HOB will have 477. 

Students in Love Creek’s current northwestern area will move to Milton Elementary, and some students in Love Creek’s northeastern area will move to Rehoboth Elementary. 

Some Shields students at the western end of Route 9 will transition to Milton Elementary, and several students in the Lincoln area will move from Milton to HOB Elementary. 

Students whose choice applications were previously approved by the board will continue to attend their approved school of choice, Fulton said.

Officials first considered moving about 100 students from Love Creek to Rehoboth Elementary in fall 2018, because enrollment in the Love Creek area grew more than anticipated. At the time, the district decided to postpone redistricting until fall 2020, when attendance areas for all five elementary schools would be rezoned.

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