
Clothing Our Kids thanks the community

December 21, 2020

As I sit down to write to you this year, I pray that all are well. 

What an unprecedented year it has been. Clothing Our Kids’ work may have been interrupted with the virus and the closing of schools, but our mission has never wavered. Helping kids in need has always been at the forefront. In the 2019-20 school year, COK helped over 5,000 kids. With the opening of schools this fall, mostly in a hybrid scenario, we still have been able to assist close to 600 children.  Knowing that our major fundraisers had been cancelled for the calendar year, COK volunteers got creative and worked hard to raise close to $8,000 this past September. God bless our volunteers! And God bless our donors!  We recently received a picture of a young boy who appeared so happy with all of his new clothes. His expression showed wonder and joy. The smiles that you, our volunteers, and donors, create are worth their weight in gold! Brings this quote to my mind… “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” G.K. Chesterton.  On behalf of the COK board and myself, we thank you for all of your support. Your thoughts, energy, ideas, and donations are so appreciated past, present and for the future. The kids are our future. And you make every child’s future brighter. Many blessings for a wonderful holiday. The need has never been greater. If you find it in your heart to donate, kindly send a check to COK, 26582 John J. Williams Hwy., Millsboro, DE 19966. 

Kate Gibson 
Clothing Our Kids
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