Healthcare philanthropy group honors Beebe Medical Foundation

Beebe Medical Foundation was recently honored for its responsible fundraising by the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy for the second straight year.
The Association for Healthcare Philanthropy’s High Performers recognition is given to organizations in the top 25 percent in net fundraising revenue for fiscal year 2019, which is calculated by subtracting total fundraising expenses from gross revenue production.
“This award and recognition are not for the foundation but our donors,” said Tom Protack, president of the Beebe Medical Foundation. “Being named a top performer reflects the great trust and investment our supporters have for Beebe Healthcare, and their strong and loyal support. I am proud of our foundation team who works so closely with all our donors. I am even more proud of our Beebe team members who care for our grateful patients.”
The foundation was recognized in the community hospital category, which means raising more than $4.8 million in the latest report from the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy.
The association’s Report on Giving has been produced for more than 35 years. It shares information from AHP’s membership on their revenue and expense activities for each fiscal year. In the 2020 Report on Giving (represents data from FY 2019), AHP had 154 respondents from the U.S. and 24 respondents from Canada.
“Beebe Medical Foundation is proud to be recognized by this outstanding association and to reflect on the incredible success of the I Believe in Beebe campaign, which was in its public phase in FY19,” said Kay Young, Beebe Medical Foundation executive director of development. “This campaign raised over $45 million. It also saw more than 170 individuals, families and business donate $25,000 or more to secure a place on the campaign’s donor wall, now proudly displayed at Beebe’s South Coastal Health Campus on both the emergency department and cancer center sides.”