
News Briefs 2/23/21

February 23, 2021
Dewey commissioners to hold workshop 

Dewey Beach commissioners will hold a virtual workshop at 12 p.m., Friday, Feb. 26 to discuss possible rules for the bay beach and Baywalk. A link to the meeting is available at

Sussex P&Z puts Feb. 25 meeting on schedule

Due to inclement weather, the Feb. 18 Sussex County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting was canceled. Public hearings on the agenda will be rescheduled. The commission, which was not scheduled to meet Thursday, Feb. 25, has set a meeting for that date to take care of old business and other items from the previous agenda. The meeting will take place at 5 p.m. in the Sussex County administration building. Included on the agenda are possible votes on a rezoning from AR-1, agricultural-residential, to HI-1, heavy industrial district, filed by Reed Farms LLC for a 67-acre parcel along Gravel Hill Road near Milton; and a conditional-use application filed by Bioenergy Development Corporation for expansion of an existing plant to recycle poultry waste into natural gas and compost on a 229-acre parcel off Route 13A south of Blades and Seaford. See a complete agenda and meeting materials at Meetings take place in person, via livestream at and via telephone by calling 302-394-5036 using code 570176.

Robinson Drive to close March 1

The Delaware Department of Transportation announced Feb. 18 that Robinson Drive in Rehoboth, between Route 1 and Silver Lake Drive, will be closed Monday, March 1, through Friday, April 30, pending weather. The purpose of this project is to create a safer access route for pedestrians along this road. The closure is necessary for the installation of sidewalks, ADA ramps, drainage, and road resurfacing. At all times, local traffic and residents will have access. There will be eastbound and westbound detours.

Rehoboth resumes Clear Space hearing

The Rehoboth Beach Planning Commission will resume the public hearing for Clear Space Theatre Company at 11 a.m., Friday, Feb. 26. The theater has proposed a two-building complex for 413, 415 and 417 Rehoboth Ave. Anyone wishing to speak must preregister with City Secretary Ann Womack at least 24 hours before the meeting by emailing A full agenda is accessible at For more information, call 302-227-6181.

Lewes BPW to discuss sewer plant failure

The Lewes Board of Public Works will meet virtually at 4 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 24. The group will discuss the completion of the root cause analysis report for the December 2019 wastewater treatment plant failure that resulted in 4 million gallons of partially treated effluent being dumped into nearby marshlands off American Legion Road. Also on the agenda are a discussion on the excellent recharge study of the Lewes BPW service area, and a discussion and possible approval of the 2021-22 operations and maintenance budget. A link to the meeting is at

Lewes Public Art Committee to meet

The Lewes Public Art Committee will meet virtually at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 23. The group will discuss education and long-range plans. A link to the meeting can be found on the agenda at

Lewes police committee meets Feb. 24

The Lewes Police Ad Hoc Committee will meet virtually at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Feb. 24. The group will review a committee report and possible recommendations to mayor and city council. A link to the meeting can be found on the agenda at

Lewes budget meeting set Feb. 26

Lewes Mayor and City Council will meet at 1 p.m., Friday, Feb. 26, to continue discussion of the 2021-22 budget. The group will review the budgets for the following committees and commissions: Lewes African American Heritage Commission, public art committee, planning commission, parks and recreation commission, bicycle and pedestrian advisory committee, and historic preservation architectural review commission. A link to the meeting can be found on the agenda at

Cape Henlopen school board meets Feb. 25

The Cape Henlopen school board will meet at 6 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 25, at Rehoboth Elementary School. Members will discuss updates and plans for the 2020-21 school year and hear a presentation on the 2021-22 district calendar.

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