
Racial justice alliance awards Shields students

Brandon Wilkinson, Miriam Keefer earn school honors
March 4, 2021

Shields Elementary School students Brandon Wilkinson and Miriam Keefer were recognized Feb. 24 with the African American/Black Achievement Award from the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice.

Teachers say Brandon is a positive and supportive leader on Zoom with his classmates, and is always the first to volunteer to help another student who may be struggling or offer words of encouragement. Brandon lifts others up with his sweet personality and smile, teachers say, and he has a kind, caring and compassionate heart. 

When students recently discussed Amanda Gorman’s poem in which she claimed that “quiet isn’t always peace,” Miriam was the first to stand and say “Exactly! To change things you have to get loud.” Teachers say they have zero doubts that Miriam will change the world with her incredibly powerful voice, bold personality, fiercely kind heart and inherent strength. Miriam’s family founded the nonprofit Miriam’s Table to help improve the physical and spiritual well-being of children and families in the Democratic Republic of Congo. To learn more, go to

Each student received a $15 gift card to Browseabout Books in Rehoboth Beach; SDARJ contributes $10 to each gift card, and Browseabout contributes $5.

SDARJ’s education committee initiated the award to recognize students who represent ideals of leadership, effort and excellence in their schools. Two students from each school in the Cape Henlopen School District will be recognized.

SDARJ is a nonpartisan organization that educates, informs and advocates for racial justice, equality and fair opportunity. For more information, go to

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