
Revis-Plank for Milton Town Council

February 25, 2021

My dear Miltonian neighbors, please consider voting for Lee Revis-Plank for Milton Town Council in the municipal election Saturday, March 6. Immediately after moving to Milton in 2014, Lee jumped right into civic engagement, serving on our neighborhood board and volunteering at the Milton Historical Society where she was named Volunteer of the Year in 2016, having spent over 235 hours on MHS projects. She has since served on the MHS board and as interim director. It was Lee’s idea to mount the successful exhibition on the life and work of our hometown hero, Bryan Stevenson, and she was instrumental in the research and planning.

Lee has served since 2016 as a member of the Milton Historic Preservation Commission. A native Delawarean, Lee also is a member of the board of directors of Preservation Delaware Inc. She has a deep knowledge of Delaware’s history and a keen interest in preserving the architectural and historic heritage of both our town of Milton and our state.

It is not surprising that in 2020, the Milton Town Council presented Lee with the Citizen of the Year Award. Lee has used her intelligence, her organizational skills and her enthusiasm for MIlton to make our town an even better place to live. I urge all Miltonians to cast their ballots for Lee Revis-Plank March 6. Lee will be an outstanding member of Milton Town Council.

Maria Webb
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