
Vaccines offered to child care providers in Dover

February 25, 2021

A vaccination event Saturday, Feb. 27 will provide vaccines for about 2,500 Delaware child care providers during a drive-thru COVID-19 vaccination event at Dover International Speedway. 

The Federal Emergency Management Agency event is by invitation only; registration links have been sent to child care providers. Anyone seeking vaccination through this event must provide proof of active employment in a licensed Delaware child care center or home, officials said.

“Delaware's child care providers have been vital to our state, our families, and our children throughout this pandemic, staying open to provide care to our children so other frontline workers could serve our state,” said Gov. John Carney in a press release.  “We are grateful for their work and are pleased we can vaccinate them so they can continue to serve our youngest learners.”   

So far, officials said, the Delaware Department of Education has helped vaccinate more than 4,000 K-12 personnel and roughly 700 child care providers. 

"We are pleased to be making progress in offering these frontline workers the chance to be vaccinated and will continue to work until everyone has had this opportunity," said Secretary of Education Susan Bunting.

Those vaccinated Feb. 27 at the drive-thru event will receive their second doses through a similar event in the future.

Melissa Steele is a staff writer covering the state legislature, government and police. Her newspaper career spans over 30 years and includes working for the Delaware State News, Burlington County Times, The News Journal, Dover Post, and Milford Beacon before coming to the Cape Gazette in 2012. Her work has received numerous awards, most notably a Pulitzer Prize adjudicated investigative piece, and a runner-up for the MDDC James S. Keat Freedom of Information Award.

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