
Collier has worked hard for Town of Milton

March 4, 2021

To the voters and stakeholders of the Town of Milton,

I am writing this letter to remind you to come and cast your vote for the candidates of your choice Saturday, March 6.  The election will be held in Goshen Hall, located at 116 Federal St.; polls are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Information regarding voting requirements can be found on the Town of Milton website at

My fellow candidates and I share some common goals for our community; I am writing this letter to draw attention to the qualifications I have that set me apart from the rest.  

I have a long history of engagement in the Town of Milton and have been involved at many levels in challenges the town has faced and will continue to face in the future. Whether it be as a concerned citizen from the floor of the council chambers, an appointed official serving on the board of adjustment and Milton Historic Preservation Commission, an elected official, or employee as the project coordinator within the town’s administration, I have faithfully acted in what I believe is in the best interest for all.

I had the privilege of being involved in the town comprehensive planning process in 2003 and 2009; for the current plan I was the town liaison for the planning and zoning commission.  During more than 15 years of work on these plans, I heard all the wants and needs expressed by members of the community.  In addition to my involvement, I have educated myself in matters that greatly strengthen my ability to make sound decisions on behalf of Milton’s voters and stakeholders. That education includes certificates from the University of Delaware’s Institute for Public Administration in planning education and local government leadership skills. I am a Certified Floodplain Administrator, a designation recognized nationwide. I also hold a Certified Construction Reviewer designation issued by DNREC.  

I have written several chapters and ordinances in the current town code and worked extensively on the latest revisions to the town charter.  I also developed some of the town policies followed today.  

The town has the tools in place to grow into the community we all want Milton to become. What it needs is the vision and leadership to recognize where these tools need to improve, the willingness to advocate for the changes, and the skills to effectively accomplish goals. My position on transparency in town governance is indisputable. I do not fear the tough issues. I am a proven quantity with an excellent record of responsiveness and reliability. I love Milton and have spent many years listening, learning, and educating myself to provide a level of leadership the voters and stakeholders in Milton deserve.  I believe my record speaks for itself and that I am the right candidate to help guide smart and responsible growth for the Town of Milton.

In closing, I would like to leave you with one thought from the Roman poet Virgil, “The noblest motive is the public good.”  This statement has driven me for many years past, and will be my mantra for many years to come.

John R. Collier
candidate for Milton Town Council
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