
Sussex Consortium celebrates Read Across America Week

April 1, 2021

Read Across America Week is celebrated each year March 1-5.

At the Sussex Consortium this year, teachers, administrators, and paraeducators guided students through special activities that helped them develop and maintain a love of books and reading.

Michele Stouffer, Sussex Consortium reading specialist, also coordinates bringing district and school administrators to the building to read and engage with the students as a way to make the read-aloud sessions fun and interactive experiences.

Several administrators took the time to read in classrooms from prekindergarten to fifth grade at the Sussex Consortium Sweetbriar location. They even shared some of their own favorite books with the students as a way to excite them about reading and help create a culture of readers.

“Having district leaders reading with our kids continues to model reader identity and reader engagement,” said Stouffer. In addition to the in-person read-alouds, Sussex Consortium administrators also posted a nightly read-aloud to the school Facebook page and shared reading tips.

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