We have an unsung hero among us in our community, and we would like to take this opportunity to recognize her. Jennifer Rubenstein has been part of the Rehoboth Beach/Lewes community for over 20 years. She is always the first to welcome new arrivals to the area by offering assistance and recommendations from doctors to restaurants.
During a period when most of us drew inward to keep safe, Jennifer worked daily to help people in Delaware find vaccinations and testing events. Even though she has a full-time job, and is already involved in many volunteer and charitable activities, she worked with many people she had never even met to make COVID vaccination appointments. Jennifer went above and beyond the call of duty to facilitate an end to the pandemic in such a time-consuming and selfless way.
She was the best advertisement in our area for how to get vaccinated. We believe that hundreds of Sussex and Kent citizens got vaccinated through her tireless efforts. Thank you, Jennifer, for your kindness and tenacity in helping to heal our community! We are so grateful for your dedication to this community which we all love. As friends and neighbors of Jennifer Rubenstein, we would like the Cape Gazette to recognize her for the unselfish citizenship that she has practiced over the past months.
Brenda Dunn
Karen Anderson
Sherril Moon
Lou Montgomery
Pam Cranston
Sandy Neverett
Kathy Board
Jackie Maddalena
Rosemarie Schmidt
Carolyn Horn
Debbie Woods
Leslie Sinclair
Natalie Moss
Evelyn Maurmeyer
Fay Jacobs
Bonnie Quesenberry
Rina Pellegrini
Rehoboth Beach