
Carolyn Jones a true asset for Lewes

April 23, 2021

We were just notified that a good friend and classmate passed away. For many years, he was a Washington-based front man for numerous presidential candidates, and a well-respected student of politics. As quoted in a Baltimore Sunpapers article, he often said: “How do you get things accomplished? You do it by working well with people, and having a knack for diplomacy and public relations.” This helps define the Carolyn Jones we have known for the past 12 years. Carolyn will work hard to develop and implement a comprehensive parking plan for all areas of our increasingly busy town. She will work to mediate the ongoing dispute between the city and the Lewes Board of Public Works, which is costing legal fees on both sides, and could lead the city to deny water and sewer to a home on a Sussex County lot contiguous to city lots, because the owner will not agree to city annexation.

Carolyn’s varied and vast work experience at the Smithsonian, where she was eventually the director of the Office of Human Resources for over 6,500 employees, along with her many educational achievements and community involvement, are also to be kept in mind when considering her candidacy. Please join us in voting for Carolyn on May 8.

Diane and Peter Issel
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