
Saliba and Jones for Lewes Council

April 30, 2021

Khalil Saliba and Carolyn Jones are community-oriented with no agenda other than doing what’s right for all the residents of Lewes.  With a fresh and open approach, both will focus on solutions and do the right thing. 

On the other hand, Mr. Morgan has not been effective in trying to protect Lewes from overdevelopment as described in an April 23 letter to the editor - all the projects mentioned were approved, and there are plenty more on the way through proposed annexations and new developments. The Jones farm was purchased by the City of Lewes, Sussex County and Lewes BPW.  

Morgan was not effective as beach parking committee chairman.  After a thorough survey of Lewes Beach was conducted, he voted in favor of recommending permit parking to Lewes City Council and then immediately wrote a spiteful letter of dissension against the committee’s unanimous decision, and promptly voted to postpone it for another year when it came before city council. 

By postponing permit parking on Lewes Beach, is Morgan condoning rampant Free for All parking and blatant encroachment on both city and homeowners’ properties?  The bike lanes on Cedar Street are blocked all summer long by all-day beach users parking wherever they can. This activity causes serious hazardous conditions for cyclists, pedestrians and motorists.  

By postponing permit parking, does Morgan condone the blatant fecal contamination by all-day visitors defecating on the beach, in the bay, in the dunes and on public and private property?  There are no bathroom facilities between Savannah Road and Roosevelt Inlet. This is a serious health hazard to all!

Is Morgan opposed to permit parking along Lewes Beach because he lives in Cape Shores which has a public beach, but prohibits public parking in the community without a permit from a lifeguard at their pool? 

Morgan was outvoted 1-4 on a city council motion to add two new policemen for 2021. Does he want to defund the police department? 

The city should do a thorough beach carrying capacity study for Lewes Beach. Unlike Cape Henlopen State Park, there is no limit and no enforcement to the exorbitant amount of people flooding Lewes Beach during the summer.  Lewes needs solution-oriented city council members who represent the best interests of all the people of Lewes without self-interest objectives and personal agendas. 

Vote for Khalil Saliba and Carolyn Jones for city council. 

Nick Carter
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