
Thoughts on best crab cake column

May 14, 2021

I of course enjoyed Bob Yesbek’s crab cake story. I am from Baltimore and it was like being Italian and reading about opera. Standards prevail.

My late wife Betsey and I were once at one of Johns Hopkins University’s posh dinners, whose guest of honor was the New York Times’ legendary political journalist and reportorial gourmand R.W. “Johnny” Apple. “If you are the editor of Baltimore Magazine,” Apple thundered to me across the table, “You should be able to direct me to the finest crab cake in town.” Which was easy. The same spot had been winning our magazine’s top rating for years. He sampled it the next day and soon told all his Times readers his nominee for “the single best crab dish in Baltimore—if not the Western Hemisphere” was at Lexington Market: the broiled lump crab cake at Faidley’s. With Mrs. Faidley’s secret ingredient cole slaw. BTW—I think his rating still stands.

Stan Heuisler
Rehoboth Beach
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