
Delaware Veterans Coalition to meet May 24 in Dover

May 19, 2021

The Delaware Veterans Coalition will meet for its bimonthly meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, May 24, at FOP Lodge 3, 1584 Kitts Hummock Road, Dover. The agenda will include the state of the organization, updates on VA services and opportunities, the Dover mayor’s suicide prevention effort, pending legislation, and the change to the bylaws that eliminated the organization’s July meeting. Also addressed will be the upcoming May 26 joint celebration of the 10th anniversaries of the coalition and of the Delaware Veterans Court, along with a presentation by Joseph Walls on the coalition’s outreach to incarcerated veterans. Masks and social distancing in compliance with CDC guidelines will be required.

Founded in May 2011 as a registered lobbying organization to address issues affecting all generations of Delaware’s veterans, the coalition meets every other month on the 4th Monday, beginning in January. The coalition was instrumental in established the Delaware Veterans Trust Fund under the Commission of Veterans Affairs in 2013. Meetings and membership are open to all honorably discharged veterans residing in Delaware, regardless of membership, including those with general discharges under honorable conditions.

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