I’ve always wanted to make my own word! I’m sure others have come up with ab-pocalypse, but it makes me smile nonetheless.
Now onto the column …
It’s Fitness Friday once again here in the drool kingdom. I hope everyone had a lovely week and is now ready for the weekend. Any fun weekend plans?
The Droolface and I are heading to York, Pa., the White Rose City, located at the apex of Route 30, Route 83 and the outskirts of Lancaster’s Amish Country.
We are attending a friend’s baby-gender announcement. She is hosting a cake party where the baker bakes either pink or blue into the inside of a cake and the parents-to-be, along with close friends and family, cut open the cake to reveal the sex of the unborn child.
Have you ever been to one of these?
This will be my first. I find it very interesting the choices people make when it comes to finding out the sex. Some don’t want to know, others plan a party around the finding out and then there are people like me, who didn’t realize that it could be something so special, and were just told at the doctor’s office – no bells or whistles.
Anyway back to the point – traveling and dieting do not go hand in hand. But a great way to stay in the safe zone is to plan ahead and workout before and after the trip.
So Saturday morning I plan to do a full workout, including this tip for preparing your abdomen to be tight in the future.
It’s called the vacuum and I love it.
Standing up, breathe out all the air from your lungs, then suck in your ab muscles, hold to a count of 10, then relax. You can do these all day long, it just takes some concentration to hold in those muscles and it will help your core become stronger. It won’t give you washboard abs because you still need to lose the flub surrounding said abs, but it is a step in the right direction.
Go forth and vacuum – I will see you all back here on Monday!