It’s summertime and local fishing is fine
The summer fishing is in full swing. Typical summer catches, still waiting on pompano. Probably see them after, if not by, this holiday weekend. The summer fish are hitting decent. Spot has been the best catch at the Cape Henlopen fishing pier. They are great for the table or as bait.
Some spots you can catch a spot in one spot, move to another spot and whack a flounder with that spot in that other spot, then repeat catching spot in the other spot to fish for flounder in that spot, until you hit four flounder using spot in the spot.
Flounder have been decent for this time of year. Inland Bays action is slow. Too many boats and sand bars. Eventually there will be little room for fish or crabs at the rate the bays keep filling in with sand. If you haven’t had them yet, the farmed oysters are delicious. Look up Rehoboth Bay Oyster Company.
Surf fishing is either all the small summer fish or skates and sharks. The action has been typical for this time of year. Kingfish bite is still decent. Bluefish are far and few between. Using the modified mullet rig from DS Custom Tackle is a great way to catch more fish. Bluefish now have a creel limit of three per day; last year it was 10. Clamming and crabbing are good around the Inland Bays.
Offshore action has finally picked up, and anglers are doing well on tuna, sharks, tilefish and sailfish. They are going a good 60 miles offshore to the Poorman’s Canyon, but eventually the action will move closer. Soon the big tourneys will start.
Hit up the headboats for inshore reef and wreck action. The sea bass has been good. Flounder isn't too bad offshore, either. Bluefish are now the rare catch, it seems, especially in the surf, at least compared to years past.
Speaking of tourneys, Delaware Surf Fishing will host a Zebco Surf Fishing Tournament Saturday, July 10, in Cape Henlopen State Park on Herring Point Beach. It’s sponsored by DS Custom Tackle and Fishbites.
The tournament is limited to 50 anglers, and they have a unique way to score fish for this – each angler will score their neighbor’s fish. Should be interesting; we are trying something new. Why Zebco? Why not? It ain't the gear; it's the angler. Besides, parks lets the fake anglers use them, so we may as well actually catch fish and have some fun.
Bloodworms have been hard to find. Fishbites are working just as well right now. Freshwater action has been hot for top water in the evening. We didn't get the cicada invasion down here, but we do have decent top water action anyway. Pond hopping has been fun.