
Family Promise announces partnership with West Side New Beginnings

February 17, 2022

Family Promise of Southern Delaware recently announced a new partnership with West Side New Beginnings to provide aid to families having trouble staying in their homes. FPSDE is providing funding to families with children who are behind in their rent payments or utilities due to illness or financial issues. In addition, FPSDE is giving encouragement and guidance to those families to work through red tape and navigate various agencies with the goal of stabilizing their housing situation for the long term.

Brenda Milbourne and Diaz Bonville of West Side New Beginnings are referring families to FPSDE. Several families have already been helped in the early weeks of the new partnership.

FPSDE has now entered several partnerships with local organizations until funds are available for its own staff. The Community Resource Center and Habitat for Humanity are established relationships, and West Side New Beginnings is the newest. FPSDE is currently requesting donations from the community for staffing support so the project may become fully operational.

Family Promise of Southern Delaware is participating in the Do More 24 Delaware campaign for 24 hours beginning at 3 p.m., Thursday, March 3 and ending at 3 p.m., Friday, March 4. Go to for more information. Hiring a case worker to help prevent local homelessness is attainable this year with an additional $30,000 in funding for FPSDE.

Incorporated in 2019, Family Promise of Southern Delaware is looking to establish the same prevention, sheltering, and support services that have proven to be effective for more than 200 other affiliates nationwide, making family homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring. More information can be found at or by writing to FPSDE, PO Box 439, Nassau, DE 19969.


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