
UUSD supports net reel location

March 1, 2022

The following letter was sent to Lewes Mayor Ted Becker with a copy sent to the Cape Gazette for publication. 

The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware fully support the ordinance to allow the menhaden net reel to stay at its current location at the Lewes Historical Society campus. We feel strongly that this historical artifact needs to be displayed where it is a prominent part of Lewes’ history. It is the only sizable item left over from the menhaden industry, which was an important part of the history of Lewes and of the migration of African Americans to the area. This reel helps tell the story of how Black and white folks worked together side by side during a long time period where segregation was common.  

This reel is an important part of Lewes’ history and is currently located at its rightful place.

Mac Goekler
Co-chair, UUSD Social and Environmental Justice Committee
Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware
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