
Beebe Healthcare cuts the ribbon on Healthy Way

March 7, 2022

Beebe Healthcare officially cut the ribbon March 3 on Healthy Way, the roadway connecting Warrington Road to the new Beebe Specialty Surgical Hospital.

The $124 million Specialty Surgical Hospital is due to begin operations in May, and the opening of Healthy Way is the first step in rolling out the new center. 

“This road is symbolic of where we are going in healthcare here in Sussex County,” said Beebe Healthcare CEO and President Dr. David Tam. “This will allow everyone to access healthcare in a completely different way.”

Beebe staff members voted on the address of the new center: 19161 Healthy Way, a nod to the year Beebe was founded, 1916.

Holding the banner for the ribbon-cutting ceremony are (l-r) Paul Horning of Whiting-Turner, Beebe Specialty Surgical Hospital Director Regina Newell, Beebe Vice President of Facilities Mark Loukides, Beebe Board Chair Terry Megee and Vice Chair Mike Meoli, Beebe Healthcare President and CEO David A. Tam, Beebe Medical Foundation President Tom Protack, Beebe Medical Staff President Paul Peet, and Kathryn Beasley of Delaware Department of Transportation.

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