Seaside Jewish Community celebrates day of joy and hope
During mid-March, Jews around the world were partaking in the festivities of the holiday of Purim – a celebration of how the Jews survived the deadly decree of Persia’s King Ahasurerus thousands of years ago.
At Seaside Jewish Community in Rehoboth Beach, the religious school children, their parents and their teachers celebrated at a Purim carnival over a weekend with music and crafts. On the evening of March 16, the actual day of observance, members of the congregation laughed and mingled at the synagogue while chanting parts of the Megillah (scroll or book) of Esther, singing and watching a humorous play, “Purim Goes to the Movies.”
In the play, called a Purim Shpeil, Queen Esther, with encouragement from her cousin Mordechai, persuades King Ahasuerus of Persia not to kill the Jews. Since Queen Esther herself was a Jew assimilated into the king’s court, her courage has been noted in modern Biblical literature. The Persian king relented and the Jews were saved.
During the annual celebration, the actors are dressed in silly costumes while onlookers cheer and boo. It is truly a joyous occasion, reliving an event believed to have occurred around 465 BC. And while this celebration seems only to be silly, in reality, it is one of survival, courage and hope.
“Purim is a fun, joyous holiday,” said Rabbi Julie H. Danan, Seaside Jewish Community. “It also is about facing threats and using joy to overcome them. It has been a day for Jews throughout the ages to laugh in the face of antisemitism and prejudice. Comedy and laughter have often been our secret weapons of resilience in a harsh world.”
Or, as Seaside member Cindi Silverblatt, playing Queen Esther in the Purim Shpiel, recounted the saying familiar to Jews, “They tried to kill us. They failed. Let’s eat.”
But the day also is one of focus on the community and those in need. It includes the Jewish tradition of giving, or tzedakah (charity). Seaside members also took part in that tradition. A tzedakah box to collect small donations for those in need was passed around. Attendees were encouraged to make donations to help the Ukrainian people. The religious school also coordinated with the synagogue’s hesed (kindness) and community committees to make Purim cards for those in our community who are ill.
“Purim is a day to frolic and feast. But just as importantly, it's a day to build community,” said Danan.
Seaside members participate in extensive interfaith initiatives to improve understanding and mutual acceptance throughout southern Delaware. Its community service projects contribute to many worthwhile causes in the area. Seaside Jewish Community also presents the Jewish Film Festival with the Rehoboth Beach Film Society, and presents frequent educational and scholarly programs open to the public.
Seaside’s mission is to support and foster Jewish identity by sponsoring religious, cultural, social, and educational activities. The congregation is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. To learn more, go to