The Cape Henlopen High School Homecoming parade rode from Lewes Beach to the school Oct. 21 for the annual Homecoming game at Legends Stadium.

Administrators on parade are (l-r) Assistant Principal Drew Coulter, Assistant Principal Josh Chubb, teacher and SGA advisor Paige Fleegle, Principal Kristin DeGregory and Assistant Principal Jessica Hazzard.

Riding the junior float are (l-r) Jack Huss, Luca Miller, Jack Schell, Landon Diehl, Sara Dawson, Hanna Abel and Lindsay D’Ambrogi.

Riding the FFA float are (l-r) FFA Secretary Alaina Herrera, FFA President Katie Kuhlman, Evan Earnhardt, FFA Sentinel Daeveon DeShields, FFA Reporter Arianna Snead, FFA VP Jetta Hastings, Ridge Ellis, and Jayceis Ellis and Samuel Gossett.

Looking over the back of the FFA float are (l-r) Katie Kuhlman, Alaina Herrera, Ariana Snead, Jetta Hastings and Jayce Ellis.
Samuel Gossett peeks from behind.

Riding the sophomore float are (l-r) Tylin Carney, Alivia Heers, Faith Re, Laura Ruiz, Jenna Reinhold, Hayden Hudson, Addison Bowman, Amalia Fruchtman, Stephan Hart, Darcy Crotty, Anna Beck and Sophia Massaro.

Looking over the back of the sophomore float are Alivia Heers, Hayden Hudson, Eric Cespedes, Tylin Carney, Jenna Reinhold and Anna Beck.