
Urging officials to reconsider state park restaurant

October 31, 2022

I am urging Cape Gazette readers to write to Delaware State Parks and Recreation to protest against a proposed restaurant and bar slated to open in Cape Henlopen State Park. Our family is greatly disappointed with the idea that one of the only wild places left along the oceanfront might be marred with a repeat of the Big Chill restaurant at Indian River Inlet, which is fine enough where it is, but would be inappropriate in a perfectly natural setting. The beach scene here is loaded with food options along Route 1. Cape Henlopen State Park is already so busy in the summer that there are occasions when the park closes because it is full. Vacationers are not known for their diligence in maintaining property that does not belong to them. Likewise, vacationers are not known for their restraint in the noise department. For these reasons, and others, we sincerely hope that a new restaurant in Cape Henlopen State Park will not come to fruition.

Judy Dannes


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