
Leave our pristine beach alone

November 29, 2022

We have long prized our determined individuality in the state. This is manifested in our love for our state parks, which belong to all the people. Many years ago, Route 1 was a bucolic drive to Rehoboth, and when you got there, Lewes seemed miles away. Now Route 1 is just Atlantic City By the Sea. Is this what we want for our unspoiled beach at Cape Henlopen State Park? I have been to the Big Chill at the south side of the Indian River Inlet. It’s an eyesore restaurant that’s spoiling a pristine beach, and worst of all, it has dozens of loud, tipsy patrons. We do not want this in Cape Henlopen. This is about preserving what makes Delaware unique. If this scheme is approved, we will become just another cheap and tacky Ocean City.  What makes our state park desirable is its unspoiled nature. Leave perfection the way it is and do not support the travesty of a beacon for mediocrity and profit. There are plenty of other places which have been ruined. Do not allow this to happen to us.

Merle McCann and Jared Christopher


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